Quickly get in touch with us if your request for asylum has been turned down. We may be able to help you.
If you think you are eligible for our services contact us today, because the time frame in New Zealand to lodge an appeal is very tight.
How I.J.A.L. assists asylum seekers facing obstacles in
making a claim?
1. We aim to provide a free service to advocate for ‘defenceless and vulnerable’ people facing death, torture or long-term imprisonment as a result of sincerely held religious or political convictions, and resulting in a failed asylum application in New Zealand at either the Refugee Status Board or the Immigration Protection Tribunal.
2. We are active in advocating for democratic freedoms in as many countries as possible around the world.
3. We assist failed asylum applicants in New Zealand to find a safe haven in a suitable country somewhere in the world.
4. We are promoting a responsible and just framework of legislation and rules in respect to New Zealand’s obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention on Refugees acceded to by New Zealand on the 30th June 1960.
5. We have housing in South Auckland for asylum seekers who meet our criteria for low-cost housing assistance – contact Peter or Bryan NOW.
6. Access to housing – see www.asylumsafehouse.com
7. Support for more safe houses – https:asylumsafehouses.raiselysite.com/en
IJAL is funded by the generous donations of supporters of the cause of ‘defending the defenceless’ through an associated charitable trust. Please enquire about the details if you are genuinely interested in supporting this free service.
Donations can be made to International Justice Advocates Limited at the BNZ Bank
Queen Street Branch account 02-0108-0193641-001
Please give your name as a reference, and then email us, advising us of the details of your donation for the IJAL advocacy service, so we can send you a tax deductible receipt. Thank you.
Apply Now!
If you think you qualify for our help, or our housing assistance, please contact us today.